Tuesday, February 25, 2014

About Me

Hi, my name is Gary. I was born at Hong Kong, and come to the United States as an International Student to study college/university.  I am currently enrolled in Associate of Math and Science Degree at Riverside City College (RCC). I am interested in news and documentary about Earth Science and Environmental issues.  Right now, I do not know what career path I take possible I will go for either something will relate to Earth and Environmental Science if everything go smoothly. This semester I am studying Environmental Science at RCC.  I am enrolled in this class because I want to learn more in-depth information about Environmental Science, and especially on the ecological biosphere.  For that reason, I took this class in order to learn more knowledge about the ecology on Earth since my Biology class at Grade 12.  Furthermore, I hope I can learn more about the ecosystem and the environmental impact on the Biosphere in this semester.
(The photo below is me, who was driving at Yellowstone National Park - July,2011)

 What is Environment Footprint?   Environment Footprint is dependent upon choices how people make in their own life, such as how much they will drive, recycle and purchase new things, and how they share of their societies's infrastructure.  Here, I have taken a quiz from Global Footprint Network, which is a non-profitable organization that teaches us how to be sustainable living.  The result of the quiz surprised me because I need four Earths to sustain my style of living.  I already followed the recommendations by this organization still I need four Planet Earths to sustain my living style.  It is very hard to reduce my carbon footprint, but I hope I can reduce at least few more tons of carbon dioxide emissions to about fifteen tons in the next decade.  I hope I can keep my goal by shop locally when possible, take more mass transportation, and walk more.
(Diagram below is from Global Footprint Network on my current carbon footprint http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/)