Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gasland 2 after thought

After seeing “Gasland 2”, I felt that the oil giant have taken over people’s land slowly and forced them to leave their home because of fracking along the fault line and Marcellus and Utica Shale.  Fracking is to drill for oil or natural gas use high-pressure stream or water to force the oil or gas out of the wells.  Fracking may caused some earthquakes, when oil companies inject water into the ground until a certain pressure the ground can hold before an earthquake is released its energy (stress).  However, it has a negative impact the environment and just a matter of time before it pollute groundwater and air large area around the drill site with their toxin waste.  Also, oil company are not reliable because they are exempt from the Clean Water Act.  Drill wells are prompt the leak over time, and it could leak huge volume of methane gas (4 times as powerful as carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere, which can lead to runaway global warming or climate change.  The oil giant and the government hide the truth about fracking to the public.  It is just matter of time before the oil company starts to mine the methane ice in the arctic.

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