Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chemical Hazards and Human Health


What is Triclosan?  Triclosan is an antibiotic ingredient in many consumer products help to reduce or prevent bacteria growth, which is commonly found in soap and cleaning product.  Triclosan was used in hospital in the 1960s to stop bacterial growth after surgery, and became possible in the late 70s.  The potential risks associated with Triclosan, according to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research are might have possible lower/harm your immune system, might alters hormone regulation, might contribute bacteria to mutate into stronger antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and can be absorb through skin contact.  Triclosan is somewhat scary that this on-counter drug (Triclosan) is not regulated by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) yet.  However, FDA is planning to regulate this drug very recently and no timetable when they will enforce the regulation.  I think because of the multimillion-dollar industry against the regulation.  The safer alternative that buying product without Triclosan like regular soap and biodegradable product.  The alternative product without Triclosan still works such as regular hand soap, which you wash your rub your hand 20-30 seconds it is also very effective in removing bacteria.  In addition, consumer should read carefully what is on the product label and use with caution.

Food and Drug Association 

Why Antibacterial Soap Is Dangerous (from DNews a YouTube channel produced by Discovery Channel):

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research:  

Bisphenol A (BPA):

What is Bisphenol A (known as BPA?)  BPA is a chemical that has been used for a long time since manufacture plastic food containers such as baby bottles and reusable water bottles.  You can usually find this chemical with plastic type 7, but it is rarely used in other type of plastic.  BPA is used to produce type 7 plastic product.  The potential risks associated with BPA, U.S. Department of Human and Health Services are early puberty, affect the immune system, and possible of risk of cancer.  One of the alternative solution is to avoid product with BPA.  Even though, products without BPA are safer to use, but still use with caution because it is still a plastic product.  However, it will still release a small amount of toxic chemical when used in freeze and hot water.  To minimize the toxic chemical from all plastic product, please DO NOT freeze it and leave in a hot environment like in your car.  Another alternative solution is to use glass product, which does not have the toxic chemical that plastic has it is a safer alternative than a plastic product.  Also, Consumer should read carefully what is on the product label and use with caution.

U.S. Department of Human and Health Services: 

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