Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Food, Inc. after thought

After I have watched Food Inc. on Amazon Prime, I was disgusted how commercial farming method in the United States.  I dislike how multimillion-dollar corporations force farmers their rules such as Monsanto.  I was disgusted how the commercial meat production in the U.S. because they uses unnatural method to raise livestock.  They would use corn to feed cows, and it will affect the cows' immunity system, which would spread E. coli and the farmers have to feed their cows antibiotics.  When the meat is processed in a facility approved by the FDA; however, it can behave more bacteria than the restroom that is disgusting.  It is better to purchase organic meat from an organic farm because it has not had the hormones and antibiotics, and the meat they process are much cleaner than the central meat processing plant.  Another point is the crop production especially genetically modified crop such as corn and soybean, Monsanto force farmers to buy their seed and farmers cannot keep their seed if the farmers do keep their seed Monsanto will file a lawsuit against them.  Finally, the multimillion-dollar corporation would file lawsuits against those people try to interfere with their business.

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