Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tapped after thought

I watched the documentary (Tapped) about our tap water vs bottle water in the United States.  In the United Stated, bottle companies like Coke, 7-up, and Pepsi would buy the material right to mine the local water resources.  These bottle companies often over mine the water resources even the water is beyond recovery that would cause a drought in that surrounding area.  They will keep mining water until the water runs below the water table or run dry.  Also, they uses petroleum plastic bottles (PET/PETE) which will cause cancer consume in a long run.  So, most of the plastic bottle will end up at the landfill.  The state government regulates them because they will set up a company in every states in the United Stated to bypass the regulated.  Final, they would file lawsuits against those people try to interfere with their business.

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