Wednesday, June 4, 2014


This semester we have discussed in Environmental Science class, in my opinion about climate changed is most important environmental issue.  For this reason, the global climate is changing possible cause by human activities burning fossil fuels.  According to my Geology textbook, it stated that if we continued increase global temperature these will happen: hotter temperature and shorter cold weather all most places on Earth, increases heavy precipitations and drought in some area, intense tropical cyclone activity increases, and rising in sea level.  How does the society as a whole reduce the impact of global climate changed?  As a society to reduce the impact of global climate changed, we can use more mass transportation like bus and trains; use more energy efficient appliances, and buy goods or groceries when necessary needed to stop wastefulness.  How can about I deal with global climate changed?  I can reduce the impact of global climate changed basically is the same as the society such as can use more mass transportation like bus and trains; use more energy efficient appliances, and buy goods or groceries when necessary needed to stop wastefulness.  However, it is easy said than done the action.  The most interesting thing I have learned in Environment Science is how multimillion-dollar corporation work in the United States such as Gasland 2, Tapped, and Food, Inc. (documentary).  All of the documentaries, I have learned multimillion-dollar corporation will do what every method to reach their proposed (make money), but they will file a law-suit against the individual tried to interfere their operation, which is very scary to know the true the dirty secret of the multimillion-dollar corporation.

Earth : an introduction to physical geology / Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens 10th ed.

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