Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Try to minimize energy consumption

On Friday afternoon, I drove home very efficiently with the technique I used in called “Eco-driving”.  After I went back to my apartment, I made sure that all the unused power bricks/strips are turned off.  Also, have changed all the lighting to LED bulb brought from IKEA that make my apartment more energy efficient, and all my electronics are energy efficient models except the central AC unit at my apartment.  I have set the AC temperature around 75-80 Fo (24-26Co) which is the most efficient temperature for AC systems.  It is not very hard to change most electronics but it need thoroughly think and planning to make my apartment become more energy efficient.  As a college student, it is very hard to give-up internet, printer, and laptop (more energy efficient after I modified it) because my college work are heavily based on internet or on-line work and study.  I really do not know what things I still need to cut back because I have started cutting back my energy consumption practice since 2005.  Therefore, it have become much harder to decide what need to cut back because I have reach a point that I do not know what to cut back on possible I will try to switch on as little lighting as I can in the next year.

When I looked around my apartment, I already found the changes I make since four years ago.  For example, I can swipe out non-efficient parts for my laptop as I mention on the previous paragraph such as DDR3L and SSD, I had already swiped out all the traditional light bulb to LED and I have left some of light bulb out of its sockets to save some utility bills since I moved into my apartment.  After I changed out all the traditional light bulbs, I saw at least 20-50 watts drop in my utility bill just light bulbs alone.  I think I will keep finding new ways to cut back on my energy usage.


  1. Gary you just gave me a good idea of changing my regular bulbs for the LED ones :-) Thanks for this great idea :-)

  2. I use LED light bulbs too! They're very energy efficient :)

  3. hmm intresting, made me look up eco-driving

  4. wow! you really went all in on this assignment! I agree with you that it was hard to give up the technology as a student, because a lot of it does involve using internet sources. That's great that you were actually able to see a difference in your utility bill because of the LED bulbs
