Wednesday, May 21, 2014

climate changed

In this week blog, I was assigned to see climate change is really happening or not.  According to EPA, the climate is changing right now such as sea leveling rising, temperate rinses more than the natural rate, and ice surface are melting at a rapid rate than the natural rate.  The CO2 level indicator shows that since the industry revolution CO2 level start to raise rapidly that is totally human-made by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.  Climate changed likely to affect our society and our world are: it will affect the coastal area and low-land area like Florida, USA would be underwater if the sea level continues to rinse, food production shift, massive global climate shift, and possible huge number of climatic immigrate.  The skepticism center about climate change are the recent temperate rinses is a part of a natural cycle not man-made, which is based on the debate on Natural vs. Man-made causes global warming lead to global climate changed.  In addition, some scientist believes that global climate change is a part of a natural climatically cycle.  I think skepticism exists on climate change is Oil companies and government not want to attempt about global climate change because of their millions of dollars of the economy, and they afraid if they attempt there is global climate changed, they will lose millions of dollars.  I think this is the reason that the U.S. is a part of the Kyoto Protocol because of economical interest of the U.S. government.  I think the world will be like in 50 years if we continue with our current path and do nothing to slow the rise of CO2 levels in the atmosphere are have more extreme weather and climatically pattern, sea level will continue to raise, will have a lot of climatically immigrate, world production might have to move towards the pole, and the polar region possible will be the new tropical area on Earth.


  1. I agree with you Gary. I think that in 50 years our climate will be hotter and we might not even have polar regions. I also think many species will go extinct because of climate change.

  2. There is no doubt in my mind if we don't change our ways we most likely see many species go extinct.

  3. OMG! I didn't know about Florida, USA. Thanks to you I have been done a research about this topic.
