Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Amy's Farm

This weekend is went to Amy’s Farm.  It is an organic farm not an organic certify farm near Chino, California.  It is a nice little family own farm that you can buy fresh organic produces at their produces store.  The farm needs volunteers to keep the farm running.  Amy’s Farm also raise a few livestock but you have to buy a share of that animal to get the produce or meat from the animals, and they try very hard to feed the animal with their natural food like weed and grass.  They use natural composed for fertilizes at the vegetable and herbal plants, and they rotate the yield like every half-a-year to a year to put back nutrients back to the soil.  They also use a method called urban pot farming, which is farm a row of plant is a very small space and to utilized as much land as they could.  I learned that using that method of growth crop and increase food production in a small piece of land. for more information about Amy's Farm.

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