Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Try to reduce my waste!

In this week blog, I am assigned to see how much solid waste I create in this weekend to the landfill.  On the first two-day period, I produce about a full grocery bag of waste.  About 75% of my waste is recyclable that I have recycle that are all PET plastics household items.  There are some of the waste-reduction strategies I found about the 3Rs principles such as reduce, reuse, and recycle.  On the third and fourth day, I redo the same day habit but I use the 3Rs principles to reduce my solid waste.  I use a refill and reusable bottle with a carbon water filter build-in, which I can reduce my consumption on the PET plastic water bottle by 80% in two days.  Overall, the waste I produced about 25% of the grocery bag, which is the same amount of waste as the first two days.  I find that 75% of the household items can be recycle or reuse like plastic containers, clean plastic packaging, cardboard box, plastic bags, and soda can be the common one I reuse or recycle.  The wastes that cannot be reuse or recycle are extremely dirty plastic food package, tissue, and paper-towels, which are my 25% of my solid waste.  I found again about 75% are plastic container but I reduce the use of PET water bottle that are recyclable.  Most of it are facial tissues because of last week there are the Santa Ana Wind blowing very hard in Southern California; I have a runny nose due to allergies during the weekend, and sadly I usually only use that very little facial tissue in normal conditions like a couple a day.  I practiced the 3Rs principle since 2005; I am able to reduce plastic consumption and reuse before recycle it; however, I will still have to work on reuse and reduce in the 3Rs principle.  I hope I can further reduce my waste in the long-term. 

P.S. I have found this assignment is pretty hard to achieve waste reduction in two days, it is way too short to see the result.


  1. Hi Gary! Interesting what you said, also I agree with you, it is harder to get rid of plastic, since almost everything comes with plastic :-(

  2. I agreed it is very hard to reduce the plastic comsumption.
