Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Food! - Jasmine Rice

This is assignment is to research one of food that I enjoy the most.  I choose Jasmine Rice (floral aroma); it is popular in Asian culture.  The ingredients are very simple just Rice grain.  I think the Rice grains are usually air-dried.  It grow in Southeast Asia especially Thailand; it is the hub of Jasmine Rice.  It is raised in rice-paddy, and it is labour intensive to raise it.  I think it is grown be individual farmers and its local government because it is one of the economy core in Thailand.  The environmental impacts are low because it usually it farm along the flood plain or river basin.  It is a water base plant unless it have genetic modifier the plant to grow on soil.  It usually packaged in cloth/plant base bag (usually commercial size), paper and plastic bag (usually consumer size).  In the United Stated, one of the distributors call the “Golden Star” based in Central Valley, California; it seems related to the Asian Immigrate in the United States.  It is transportation possibly by truck to port then by airplane either on passenger or freighter plane, then by truck to distributors and by then truck to supermarket.  It is a health product, and I do not think it is genetic modifier unless the product contain extra amino acid and vitamins than its natural protein and nutrients.  White Jasmine Rice contain magnesium and phosphorus, dietary fiber and natural omega 3 (as protein), vitamins B6, niacin (B3), and thiamin (B1); Blown Jasmine Rice contain a lot more this nutrient than the white one.   Blown Jasmine Rice also contains zinc and iron.  The White Jasmine Rice have a good source of glucose and the Blown one has a lot more benefit, it can reduce the chance of heart attack, high pressure, type-2 diabetes, and reduce weight gain.  I believe the sources are accurate because the Blown Jasmine Rice has a lot of nutrition value, but it is not a good for glucose source.  I usually mix white and brown Jasmine Rice when I stream them in order to balance the sugar contain.
Note: White Jasmine Rice can cause weight gain and diabetes if eat too much.
Pictures: http://www.goldenstartrading.com/products/rice/jasmine-rice.html
White Jasmine Rice

Blown Jasmine Rice


  1. Interesting blog post and seems like the rice takes long to get here since it comes from Southeast Asia.

  2. I have never heard before that eating rice can cause diabetes. I guess there is always a way to find out new things. It was nice reading your post.


    1. If you eat rice at a daily bases, it is a thing need to watch out for because white rice contain a lot of glucose (sugar), which might increased the chance having diabetes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I enjoyed this article because jasmine rice is one of my favorite side dishes in Asian cuisine. Great job on the information.
